How To Survive a Heat Wave Without Air Con!
It's that time of the year again… that one day when the typically mundane English weather catches us off guard. The sun comes out, the tops come off and people flock to the beer gardens as if the beer was running out.
If like us, your office does not have air conditioning, then we have put together a few little tips to survive the “unbearable” English heat.
1) Get a Fan and close the blinds!
Yes, it's very tempting to open up all the windows and let the glorious sunshine in but you're very quickly going to regret that decision as soon as the afternoon sun is in full force. Get a fan to keep your office or work space cool and keep those blinds shut a little to stop the sunlight bursting through!
2) Take on a lot of Water!
Drinking water can help decrease your bodies core temperature and will keep you hydrated. Washing your face and hands in cold water can also have a great cooling effect on the body.
3) Head downstairs.
As we know heat rises, so the further up the building you are the warmer your office will probably be. If you can work on the lower floors, or even better work in a shaded spot outside if you are allowed.
4) Avoid excessive alcohol or caffeine.
Both these substances act as diuretics and promote dehydration so if you can limit yourself on hot days then you will feel the benefits.
5) Go into a public building that has air con!
Take full advantage of all the free cold air and just sit back and enjoy.
6) Wear lightweight, breathable clothing!
Wearing thin and breathable clothing will make the day a lot more bearable. Shorts, dresses and short sleeve shirts are a must, and if you can try to stick to light colours. Dark clothing attracts the sun more.
Check out our Pascal white polo shirt now on sale. Perfect for this summer heat wave!
7) Pull a sickie!
Now we are not advocating that you should do this often. But come on, how often does the weather get like this in England? Errrr never!
So give your boss a little call and let him know that you’ve come down with the “man flu” and get out and enjoy some sun. Just remember to wear sun lotion, as coming in with a tan may give your game away.
8) Avoid public transport.
This is not something all of us can avoid, but if you can, do! There's not much worse than being squished up against another guy's sweaty arm pit on the bus, train or tram on a hot summers day. If you can, avoid public transport.
9) Air your feet or cool them down.
Now, if your one of those people with really smelly feet, we do not advise you to do this one in the office. However if you can sneakily slip your shoes off and air your feet without making your colleagues retch then it can be a great way of feeling a little bit more chilled. We don’t suggest you go putting them up on your desk either!
10) Seek the shade. When you're walking about, try and stick to shaded areas. You will notice a big difference between the air temperature when exposed to the sun and when being shaded from it!
Stay cool, stay safe.