How to avoid another Romantic Meal on Valentine’s Day!
February 14th has come around again and whether you’re in a relationship or not, there’s one question on everyone’s minds – what are you doing this Valentine’s Day?
Now I’m not one to fall for the commercial holiday but for some reason, most people feel the need to have solid plans on the big day. Mostly consisting of flowers, dinner and PDA – but not necessarily in that order. And yes there’s nothing wrong with the traditional route, but if you’re newly single or you’ve spent the last few years doing the exact same thing – it’s time for a change.
If you’re not fully convinced on skipping the meal all together then why not go for brunch? This way you can avoid queues and other couples – two birds, one stone.
The cinema has to be the most cliché first date spot ever – so why not avoid all that PDA and host your own movie night? Invite your girlfriend, boyfriend, mates, family… whoever! Stick on a horror movie and binge out on some junk food. It will cost you a lot less and you’re guaranteed to have a better night.
If you’re one of the select few in a relationship but still hate the thought of celebrating Valentine’s Day, then change the day - simple! Who wants to go out on a school night anyways? Put it off until the weekend. (Remember it’s who you spend it with that counts, not how many people know about it on social media.)
Who doesn’t love mini golf? Whether you’re out with your friends or breaking the ice, a few drinks and a round of mini golf will make you forget all about those Valentine’s Day worries.
Go on a night out! Pretend you're back in school at one of those Traffic Light discos – don't pretend you didn't go, we're all guilty. Dancing, karaoke, whatever. You’ll either have a great night or end up blacking out so quick the day will be over before you know it. It's a win, win.
If you want to do something slightly out of the ordinary then book a wine tasting session! Ok if wine's not your thing, what about gin? Beer?