Too much Month, not enough Money…
The end is near but sadly, not near enough. Pay day seems like a distant memory. Sound familiar? Looks like we’re all on the same boat. It’s the worst time of the month – the weather’s finally picked up again but our bank balances have never looked worse. Here’s a few tips to help you live well and save well...
There’s no shortage of offers and now you can get them straight to your phone. Download Apps like Groupon, It Is On, Voucher Codes and Wowcher.
Don’t just stick to your local because it’s your local. Shop around for the cheapest offers. If you don’t have time, check My Supermarket for comparisons!
Get into a routine of preparing your meals – you’ll be surprised how much you save when you’re not wasting £3 a day on your lunch time meal deal. I know, Sunday’s are best spent relaxing but if you really want to start the week as you mean to go on do your grocery shopping. Buy in bulk and make your dinner for each day, then take the left overs for lunch!
Who doesn’t love a Social Media competition? Someone has to win. Everything tastes better when it’s free…
Live close to a Vue Cinema? Well you’re in luck! Vue sell tickets for just £5! Stop in Aldi for some 70p Nachos and make it your cheapest Cinema date yet.
Forget your pin number, ditch contactless and apple pay – basically just ditch your bank card completely. Go back a few years and set yourself a cash budget and leave your bank card at home.
In need of a new wardrobe? Well you’re in luck! We have our biggest Summer Sale yet. Shirts, Polos, Jackets and Tees, we have it all. Saving for a holiday? Be sure to take a look at our short sleeve shirts (there’s up to 50% off)…
Take a look on Money Saving Expert for more tips.