Remedies To Help Get Rid of Hay Fever
Are you beginning to struggle with itchy eyes and constant sneezing? We have found the best remedies for hay fever that you may never have heard of, so that you can enjoy the summer temperatures hitting the country this week.
As Britain is making the most of the mini heat wave this week, itchy eyes and runny noses could dampen the next few days. The met office has warned people of ‘high’ or ‘very high’ pollen count in London, the south, the midlands, Wales, Yorkshire and Northern Ireland. A staggering 18 million people in the UK suffer from hay fever, with more developing it every year. Hay fever is something that can be developed at any age. If you don’t know already then the symptoms include itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, feeling run down and bunged up, and can easily be mistaken for a common cold.
Here are our top tips to help battle the hay fever this weekend…
1. Hot, Hot Curry
Going heavy on the spices in your curry can really help to reduce inflammation caused by the enzyme phospholipase A2, which is provoked into action by the pollen in your system. Capcaisin, which is found in chillies, helps open up the nasal passages and relieve that bunged up feeling.
2. The Right Salads
High amounts of natural anti-histamine quercetin can be found in capers, red onions and watercress. These help to reduce hay fever symptoms by blocking the effects of histamines. If combined with pineapple, which contains bromelain, it can help the body to absorb quercetin.
Another source of anti-inflammatory agents that can boost the immune system are found in apples, tomatoes and oranges. They are rich in beta carotene, vitamin C and bioflavonoids.
3. Red Grapes
We know that any kind of dark fruit or berry is extremely good for us as they contain high levels of antioxidants, but red grape skin also boasts resveratrol, which reduces inflammation in the body. According to a study into diet allergy, grapes were helpful in reducing blocked, itchy and runny noses from hay fever.
4. Stinging Nettles
Nettles have always been thought of to relieve allergy symptoms, including hay fever. You can buy them in pills but for a cheaper option and as long as you have a good pair of gardening gloves, you can boil them in water, drain and add honey to sweeten.
5. Fish
Omega 3 fatty acids in oily fish are anti-inflammatory, which could help ease your symptoms. The best fish to try are salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna and sardines. It is recommended by experts that the ideal amount is three portions a week.
6. Shampoo
Pollen is very sticky so when you have been out all day and you are bringing poison to the house with you. It’s best to wash away your hair when you get home for the evening. This will make sure you don’t spread pollen around your house.
7. Chamomile Tea
Surprisingly coffee can exacerbate your symptoms, so instead try chamomile tea, which is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. Drinking is the best option, but if you don’t like the taste then you can just use the tea bags, soaked in boiling water then drained and chilled, straight on your eyes.
8. Clean Sheets
Doing a bed sheets wash as often as possible in the summer can really help ease your symptoms and help you sleep better. When you are spending a night in bed infected with pollen, it means you wake up feeling rough so washing your sheets regularly can help you sleep a lot better.
9. Barrier Balm
One of the best ways to stop hay fever is by not inhaling the pollen. Sounds easy right? Try a product called HayMax – this is a simple organic drug-free allergen barrier balm. Apply this around your nostrils and the pollen sticks to the balm instead of going up your nose.
10. Nasal and Throat Spray
Otrivine Allergy Relief 0.1% Nasal Spray. This is a newly launched product that provides relief from a blocked itchy nose in minutes for up to ten hours.